Aug 01, 2024 - 08:31 AM
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Aug 01, 2024 - 08:31 AM
View all Night Guards Questions & Answers
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Flexible Super Hard Night Guard , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: Is the impression tray unique?
Answer: Yes, the adjustable impression tray is patented, making it the first of its kind for DIY custom dental products. This innovation ensures that you can achieve a perfect impression at home.
Question: What are the benefits of using this night guard?
Answer: The night guard helps prevent jaw pain, teeth grinding, and morning headaches. These benefits can lead to more restful sleep and a reduction in discomfort.
Question: How flexible is the night guard?
Answer: The night guard is highly flexible due to its advanced material, which allows it to adapt to your teeth while maintaining its durability. This flexibility helps in providing a custom fit and comfort.
View all Flexible Super Hard Night Guard Questions & Answers